FDA Clinical Trial Treatments | Treatment for Pain - MAXIM ReGen

FDA Clinical Trial Treatments

Autologous means your own and Adipose means Fat. This procedure harvests your own fat which is then processed in a tissue processing lab to yield Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) that is then injected into the knees/joints. We offer this procedure under an FDA-approved IND (Clinical Trial).

FDA Clinical Trial Treatments
FDA Approved IND
FDA Clinical Trial Treatments for pain




This is a surgical procedure that utilizes a lipoaspiration and tumescent-based technique that is used in conventional liposuction procedures.

How does the Procedure Work?


Step 1

The abdominal areas are injected with an anesthetic and saline to numb the area. Up to 150 ml. of fat is aspirated in syringes by the surgeon.


Step 2

This fat is then shipped to a tissue processing lab for processing. The SVF product is then sent to an independent testing lab for contamination testing.


Step 3

Once cleared, the product is then injected by the physician into the knees. The time between the harvest and injection can be three weeks.

Anesthesia, Length, Pre/Post-op

The procedure (both harvest and injection) is performed under local anesthesia. The harvest takes 30 to 45 minutes including recovery time. Patients are pre-operatively examined and screened to determine candidacy. Post-op visits are required both following lipoaspiration as well as injections.

FDA Clinical Trial Treatments and Procedures
Dr. sid
Dr. Stefan thiele
Dr Barnard
Dr David Borenstein

Who Performs the Procedure

This surgical procedure and subsequent treatments are performed by one of our Board Certified physicians who are Investigators on the FDA-approved clinical trial. They are skilled and experienced at pain management, autologous procedures, and localized injections.

Pricing and


We offer third party, conventional and zero percent financing because most insurance plans do not cover this procedure.

risks and complications

Risks and Complications

The risks and complications associated with this procedure are rare since only a small amount of lipoaspirate is harvested. There can be temporary discomfort and inflammation following injections. The physician will go over these during your pre-operative evaluation.

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