Much like the feet and ankles, hand and wrist pain is commonly caused by repetitive motions such as typing (carpal tunnel), arthritis, or an acute injury.

Types of Hand/Wrist pain

Chronic, acute, or intermittent

Diffuse pain
Both referred and diffuse pain that typically radiates or spans only as far as the wrist or elbow
Causes of Hand/wrist pain
- Carpal tunnel
- Trauma such as fractures, sprains, or jamming of the fingers
- Baseball finger
- Ganglion cysts
- Scleroderma
- Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Arthritis
- Trigger finger
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis (swelling of tendons of the thumb)
- Peripheral neuropathy (damaged nerves causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands)

Symptoms of Hand/wrist pain

- Feeling of pins and needles
- Tightness of hand or wrist
- Sharp, dull, burning, or freezing pain
- Extreme sensitivity
- Decreased range of motion
- Difficulty clasping or pinching items or moving fingers
- Numbness, or tingling sensations
- Thumb stiffness, sticking, or pain
- A red, white, or blue coloration
Complications and Risks
Damage and laxity in the hand may lead to complications with the wrist and vice versa.
Risks Factors
- Repetition of motion such as excessive typing or texting
- Over extension (bending) of the fingers or wrist, both forward and backward
- High impact sports
- Smoking