Treatment for Hip Pain | Regenerative Treatment for Hips - MAXIM ReGen


The hip is our strongest and most stable joint. Pain in the hip is often caused by imbalances of the spine or knees, obesity, and age. As wear and tear takes its toll on your body, the hip compensates and the bone and cartilage begin to degenerate.

male physiotherapist examining mans back

Types of Hip pain

man suffering from ribbing pain waist pain


Chronic pain at rest

doctor examining his patient back

Acute injury

Acute pain with activity

arthritis hip joint film x ray show inflamed hip joint

Referred pain

Radiates or spans to lower back, IT band or knees

Causes of Hip pain

  • Laxity of tendons and ligaments
  • Fractures of leg or hip
  • Dislocation
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease)
  • Dysplasia
  • Wear and tear
  • Pinched nerves
  • Sciatica
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Laxity or strain (stretched or torn) muscle, tendon, or cartilage such as the hip flexor or labrum
  • IT (Ilotibeal) band syndrome
examining patient back

Symptoms of Hip pain

man suffering from ribbing pain waist pain
  • Immobility, stiffness, or limping
  • Grinding sensation
  • Popping sensation
  • Groin, knee, or low back pain
  • Inflamed, warm, or swelling around the hip joint
  • Tenderness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Cramping
  • Inflamed, warm, or swelling aroundthe hip joint

Complications and Risks

The condition will continue to worsen if left untreated. This imbalance can cause issues in opposing muscles and tendons resulting in further immobility and pain. As the body compensates for these imbalances, it may cause subsequent injuries to the other side of your hip as well as your knees and spine. As with any joint injury, the longer it is ignored, the harder it is to treat.

Risks Factors
  • Age and occupation
  • High impact sports
  • Poor weight management
  • Born with loose hip(s)
adult woman has hip sore white room
x ray show inflamed hip joint


Hybrid procedures

Combination of bone marrow, fat transfer, adipose, prolotherapy, injections and/or other procedures as recommended by the physician based on the patient’s condition.

Soft tissue injections

Prolotherapy and other injectable-based procedures for the treatment of injured joints, ligaments and tendons.

Fat transfer (for pain)

Autologous fat transfer, without enzymes, manipulation or expansion, for the alleviation of knee, shoulder, and joint pain.

Bone marrow-based procedures

Derived from autologous (your own) bone marrow tissue for the treatment of knee, shoulder and joint pain.

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